Jul 21, 2014 | EcoChic News
EcoChic Boutique seeks motivated, organized, creative individual with solid computer skills for long-term employment. 15 to 25 h/week. Must be available to work a minimum of 2 full days per week including one weekend day. Must be able to multitask and take direction. Retail experience required. Knowledge of current fashion trends and merchandizing experience a plus. Quick mind, adaptability and positive attitude required…no drama! Must have reliable transportation. Drop off resume at the store or call 315-445-2442.

Jul 14, 2014 | EcoChic News
Summer hours start next weekend. As of July 20th the store will not be open on Sundays. The rest of the week remains the same, open Tuesday through Saturday 11 to 6. We will resume Sunday hours in the fall. Happy Summer!

Jun 24, 2014 | EcoChic News
We resume regular hours on Wednesday the 25th. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Jun 18, 2014 | EcoChic News
Up to 50% off throughout the store, jewelry and new (non-consigned) merchandise included.

Don’t miss our mis season sale!

Up to 50% off throughout the store

Select Jewelry 20% off

Jun 13, 2014 | EcoChic News
Win a $20.00 gift certificate to EcoChic!
Like our Facebook page AND tell us your favorite memory of your father to enter the contest!
We will randomly pick a winner when we reach 2550 page likes. Please share the Facebook post to help us get exposure. Good luck!

Father’s day contest
May 23, 2014 | EcoChic News
Have a safe weekend everyone and of course have a rip-roaring good time!

May 2, 2014 | EcoChic News
“Fashion Tip Number 12: Gray is not the color to wear if you want to get noticed in a smoky, dingy dungeon.” ~ Jarod Kintz

Pants size M & L, Rue lace top size S

Vintage Hanna sweater size M, Nathalie Seaver skirt size M, Eric Javits cross body bag.

Tanami open front top size L/XL, Worth skirt size 16.

Bluefish tunic top size XL, Neesh skirt size L

Maxx Studio Dress size L, Loft vest size L

Eric Javits cross body bag, $98

Johnny Was dress size S, open front short sleeved sweater size M, Dooney & Bourke bag.

free people dress size 2, Ann Taylor sweeter size S
Apr 30, 2014 | EcoChic News
10% off all March consignments plus a selection of items at 20% off.
Also, new items just in from Italy available now at EcoChic!

Apr 27, 2014 | EcoChic News
These items and more just arrived directly from Italy! Available at EcoChic on Tuesday, April 29th. Tops, skirts, dresses, light spring sweaters, scarves and more.