Last Shop N Bitch of the Season 3-10-11
Please join us…
When? Today 4 to 8 pm
Why? Why not?
What? A bunch of women drinking, talking, laughing, shopping.
Who? All are welcome…bring a friend.
Wait…what? Yes, all winter jewelry 50% to 75% off!
Please join us…
When? Today 4 to 8 pm
Why? Why not?
What? A bunch of women drinking, talking, laughing, shopping.
Who? All are welcome…bring a friend.
Wait…what? Yes, all winter jewelry 50% to 75% off!
Spring has sprung at EcoChic! Our entire store is now full of spring and summer fashions. New items are arriving daily.
We will be closed on Saturday February 5th and and Sunday February 6th. Stop in to check out our spring/summer inventory as of Tuesday, March 8th!
There are still tons of great items in the store and they are reduced up to 75% off! Take advantage of these great savings and stock up for next year. Sale ends March 4th. As of March 8th the whole store will be filled with spring merchandise. Great warm weather items are already on our racks.
Join us for Shop N Bitch this Thursday 4 to 8 pm. All fall and winter consigned clothing, bags and shoes up to 75% off. Also up to 20% off jewelry and scarves. Bring a friend!
Starts February 1st. Half off all clothing, shoes, bags, scarves etc. that were consigned during fall/winter 2010. 20% off jewelry. This is a great time to stock up on cashmere sweaters, pants, scarves for next season!
Mark your calendars ladies…Starting this week on the second Thursday of each month for the next 3 months from 6 pm to 8 pm EcoChic will host Shop N Bitch. If the short days and cold weather are getting you down…if you’re feeling chubby after the holiday indulgence…if you want to let loose, make new friends and play with clothing…join us! This first gathering will kick off our latest reductions. Bring a friend.
The store will be closed Saturday, January 1st through Monday, January 3rd. Back to regular hours as of Tuesday January 4th. If you’re still trying to find the perfect new years outfit there is till time…many of our items are now down to 40% off.
Tall black leather riding boots size 7 1/2.
The store will be open today! Hope you are all enjoying this winter wonderland. We can help you fight the chill…tons of warm coats, sweaters, hats and scarves on sale now!