Store Closed for Two Days

We will be closed on Friday, May 7th and Saturday, May 8th.

The store will reopen on Tuesday, May 11th. Stop in and take advantage of our sales…all items that arrived in the store in March are now 10% off and all items that arrived in April are 20% off!!

EcoChic is now on Facebook!

Become a fan, post reviews, comments and pictures  and keep up on all the latest.

Did you buy an outfit for a special occasion such as a wedding, dance or graduation from EcoChic Boutique?  Post pictures on Facebook, show everyone that you can put together a fantastic outfit for a fraction of the price.  Promote the idea of reusing pre-owned clothing.

Looking for FLAX, Blue Fish

I am specifically looking for immediate consignments of FLAX, Blue Fish, Chico’s tops & blouses, women’s shoes size 8 and up, jewelry and designer handbags.  If you would like to consign any of these items call 445-2442 and leave a message.  I will return your call within 48 hours.

Store Hours Changing

Due to many customer requests as of March 30th EcoChic Boutique will be open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Consignments Resumed

EcoChic is now ready to accept more consignments.  We’re taking in spring clothing and accessories.

Ladies, we need shoes, jewelry, handbags, beltsÂ?dig deep, we know these items are clogging up your closet.  What didn’t work for you will be perfect for someone else.

GentlemenÂ?don’t be shy!  We’re looking for shirts, jackets, slacks, shoes.

Call to make an appointment Tuesday through Saturday 10 to 5.

Opening Day

We are very pleased to announce that EcoChic Boutique will be open for business starting on Tuesday, March 16th! Our initial hours of operation will be Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.

Please Note: Schedule may vary. Website will be updated to reflect any changes.

EcoChic Boutique

Consignments Paused to Expedite Opening

We know you’re eager to shop so we’re temporarily not accepting consignments in order to focus all our efforts on processing the fabulous inventory we’ve received so far.  Take-ins will resume in a few weeks.  Check back, this blog is updated weekly.